Developing Your First Content Marketing Strategy

Developing Your First Content Marketing Strategy
July 29, 2016 Itamar Gero
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Itamar Gero
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What you would like to achieve with your content and your marketing activities all boils down to one thing: connecting with customers. You will be able to do this the right way if you begin creating content specific to your niche. That’s because creating non-targeted content—or generalized content—is not likely to get the results you want.

This is why you need a sound content marketing strategy.

There is not a factor more indicative of the value of your content than its ability to attract, inform, and help convert your customers. For this reason, your content marketing template should be focused on a niche whose needs your content helps answer.

 Content Marketing Strategy

Do it Like the Pros

To further understand how this works, you may want to look at an effective content marketing strategy example, that of GoPro. For those who may not know this brand, GoPro is in the business of making and selling cameras aimed at people who love to create videos, particularly sports and action videos.

Video, as you are surely aware, is one of the fastest-growing options for content. GoPro features video content produced by professionals using their products. What makes this strategy more powerful is how much video that GoPro also features that was made by its customers. Thousands of GoPro users upload their videos to the company’s website, which means the company has been enjoying a thousandfold what other businesses are still just dreaming of: turning their own customers into their brand ambassadors.

If you’re wondering whether this applies to your business, and how you can fashion your content to work like it, think of it this way: can you incorporate what your audience or customers are using or producing with your marketing campaigns? If the answer is yes, you might have something there. Think “incentives” for participating customers.

As for a b2b content marketing strategy, your plan might be a little different. In any type of content marketing, however, the keys are constant communication with your contributors, and proper documentation.

Work on Your Framework

To make it effective, you need a content marketing strategy framework. First of all, what is your purpose? Understanding why you are creating content will give you a clearer picture of why your audience needs it in the first place. Next, identify the areas where you expect to meet some opposition or challenges. Work on solutions to those areas.

Know your niche, your demographics. You need to know your niche because your content is directed specifically at them. What do they want and how can you give it to them? Also, identify how your offering is going to move them closer to what they need.

Then there is that small matter of competition. At this point, you have to identify how you differ from your competitors in bringing your audience closer to fulfillment. Tip: this will define how strong your brand is when put side by side with others.

Lastly, identify the channels you would like to use. In so doing, remember that your choice or choices depend on what your niche is likely to be using, and what type of content you will be presenting.


Your content marketing plan is different from your content strategy. These are used interchangeably by many writers and practitioners, but they are actually different. What they have in common, however, is how much you can leverage one to make the other more robust and effective.

Here’s a clue for making your content work for you: look at your company’s vision and mission. This will help you focus your content on what you do intend to accomplish. The more streamlined your content becomes, the more workable your marketing plan becomes too, and ultimately, the more helpful it is to your audience. Everything else will follow.